2015年6月13日 星期六


可鍵入info(numeric)觀察在numeric函數庫中的函數; 也可以由MuPAD 的Help查詢更詳細的使用說明

[[From MuPAD Help]]

numeric::butcher – Butcher parameters of Runge-Kutta schemes
numeric::complexRound – round a complex number towards the real or imaginary axis
numeric::cubicSpline – interpolation by cubic splines
numeric::cubicSpline2d – interpolation by 2-dimensional bi-cubic splines
numeric::det – determinant of a matrix
numeric::eigenvalues – numerical eigenvalues of a matrix
numeric::eigenvectors – numerical eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
numeric::expMatrix – the exponential of a matrix
numeric::factorCholesky – Cholesky factorization of a matrix
numeric::factorLU – LU factorization of a matrix
numeric::factorQR – QR factorization of a matrix
numeric::fft, numeric::invfft – Fast Fourier Transform
numeric::fMatrix – functional calculus for numerical square matrices
numeric::fsolve – search for a numerical root of a system of equations
numeric::gaussAGM – Gauss' arithmetic geometric mean
numeric::gldata – weights and abscissae of Gauss-Legendre quadrature
numeric::gtdata – weights and abscissae of Gauss-Tschebyscheff quadrature
numeric::indets – search for indeterminates
numeric::int – numerical integration (the float attribute of int)
numeric::inverse – the inverse of a matrix
numeric::leastSquares – least squares solution of linear equations
numeric::linsolve – solve a system of linear equations
numeric::matlinsolve – solve a linear matrix equation
numeric::ncdata – weights and abscissae of Newton-Cotes quadrature
numeric::odesolve – numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation
numeric::odesolve2 – numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation 
numeric::odesolveGeometric – numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation on a homogeneous manifold
numeric::ode2vectorfield – convert an ode system to vectorfield notation
numeric::polyrootbound – a bound for the roots of a univariate polynomial
numeric::polyroots – numerical roots of a univariate polynomial
numeric::polysysroots – numerical roots of a system of polynomial equations
numeric::product – numerical approximation of products
numeric::quadrature – numerical integration (“quadrature”)
numeric::rank – numerical estimate of the rank of a matrix
numeric::rationalize – approximate a floating point number by a rational number
numeric::realroot – numerical search for a real root of a real univariate function
numeric::realroots – isolate intervals containing real roots of a univariate function
numeric::rotationMatrix – the orthogonal matrix of the rotation about an axis
numeric::singularvalues – numerical singular values of a matrix
numeric::singularvectors, numeric::svd – numerical singular value decomposition of a matrix
numeric::solve – numerical solution of equations (the float attribute of solve)
numeric::sort – sort a numerical list
numeric::spectralradius, numeric::spectralRadius – the spectral radius of a matrix
numeric::sum – numerical approximation of sums (the float attribute of sum) 

